Reflections on the Past Year and Looking Towards the Summer

Dr. Jennifer L. Zaccara
Vermont Academy’s 2023-2024 school year has drawn to a close, and we are coming off our awards ceremonies, dorm cleanouts, faculty grading and comment writing, and the culmination of everything: our commencement ceremony.
The final days of school included a campus filled with flowers, cars pulling up to dorms to load up departing student gear, cornhole games on Alumni Field, a student carrying a boombox, another running with a handful of papers flapping in the breeze, and lots of tearful hugs and goodbyes. We are filled with senses of pride, nostalgia, and raw emotion that capture the close of a successful year.

We are so proud of all of our students and their individualized achievements; a strong sense of self-understanding, commitment and drive to reach their goals, awareness of how to build and dedicate themselves to community, and an understanding of life, of our motto “Be True To Your Best Self.” From the Honors Advanced Art projects, performing arts nights, and capstone presentations to our winning three Lakes Region Championships and three New England Preparatory School Athletic Council (NEPSAC) Championships, Vermont Academy is a small-school powerhouse! In particular, we are delighted to see the terrific college acceptances of members of the Class of 2024, with many getting into their first-choice universities. A four-year matriculation list will be available on our website soon.

Our students have headed off for the summer, and if they are not preparing to transition to college, they have plans to attend camps, work, and study. Each student will bring back their experiences to enrich our community in the fall, and one of the magical aspects of Vermont Academy is the way that peer-to-peer learning is just as powerful as that of teachers and students.

This summer we have a whirlwind of events, updates, and renovations taking place. Next weekend we look forward to welcoming alumni back to campus for Reunion where they will have the opportunity to enjoy days full of fun activities or to just simply walk around and reminisce about their time here. These alumni, along with other campus visitors this summer, will notice the renovations happening here such as the installation of a new fitness center in the Lucy Athletic Complex, the move of the art and media classrooms to the lower level of Alumni Hall, the opening up of first-floor classrooms in Fuller Hall, the renovations in the science classrooms, and new classroom furniture being ordered.

Thank you for sharing your children with us. I wish all of our families a wonderful summer!  My gratitude extends to our faculty, administration, and staff, and to all who make the Vermont Academy experience the very best educational opportunity.
Vermont Academy is a coed college preparatory boarding and day school in southern Vermont, serving grades 9-12 plus a postgraduate year.