Meet Head of School Dr. Jennifer L. Zaccara

Dr. Jennifer L. Zaccara is Vermont Academy’s eighteenth Head of School. She came to Vermont Academy in 2017 from The Nightingale-Bamford School in New York City, where she served as Associate Head of School since 2013. Prior to that, she was Associate Dean of Faculty at The Taft School in Watertown, CT where she spent twelve years. A native of Connecticut, Jennifer graduated from Trinity College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and a Master of Arts degree in English with distinction. She received her doctorate in English from the University of Connecticut, where she graduated with honors.

Once at VA, Dr. Zaccara led the crafting of a new strategic plan that identified our four educational pillars, our identity and brand, the students we serve best, and a way of teaching and learning that is our trademark. Her tenure at VA is also marked by additional highlights that include: navigating challenges of COVID-19 and persevering with in-person learning while also looking for opportunities to expand the VA footprint by acquiring Mount Snow Academy, now Vermont Academy at Mount Snow, and overseeing several partnerships, including with Liceo Europeo in Madrid, Spain and with LaLiga Academy, This past year, VA received the largest gift in the school’s history, enabling us to continue our forward momentum. 

Jennifer’s focus for this academic year is on the school’s continued growth, on the quality of the student and family experiences on our campus, and reaching the goals we have set before us. The strength of VA today is due to her leadership, skill, and love of the school.

Board ofTrustees

Jeremy Herbert '99
Linda Saarnijoki
Jayson Dunbar '86, P '07, '24
Mike Choukas  '73, P '94

Lisa Birmingham Bob McHugh
Scott Buckley '02 Todd Ormiston
Shawn Byron Shawne Robinson P '21, '22, '25
Chris Croft Jeannlis Sánchez '00
Bill Hosley Jr '73 Diane Wilder '79
Mary Libutti P '21 Jennifer Zaccara, Ex-Officio

Alumni Association Representative
Kate Marshuetz Double '91, P '23
Parents' Association Representative

Mary Beth Adelson P '27
Trustee Emeriti
Hugh W. Pearson ’54

Administrative Team

List of 12 members.

  • Photo of Peter Ahlfeld

    Peter Ahlfeld 

    Director of the Center for Learning & Coordinator of the MAPS® Program / Math Faculty / 9th Grade Class Dean
    Clark University - BA
    University of Connecticut - MA
  • Photo of Edward Carson

    Edward Carson 

    Dean of Residential Life and Belonging / Humanities Faculty
    Harding University - BA
    Harding University - MA
  • Photo of Adrian Diaz Guerrero '14

    Adrian Diaz Guerrero '14 

    Dean of Student Life and Director of International Programs / Post Graduates Class Dean / Head Coach, Boys' Varsity Soccer
    (802) 869-6236
    Saint Michael’s College - BA
    Saint Michael's College - MEd
  • Photo of Nora Dock

    Nora Dock 

    Director of Admissions
    Drexel University - MS
    Mills College - BA
  • Photo of Tonia Fleming

    Tonia Fleming 

    Director of Advancement
    (802) 869-6298
    Wellesley College - BA
    University of Chicago - MBA
  • Photo of Ben Gardner

    Ben Gardner 

    Director of Vermont Academy at Mount Snow
    (802) 365-8267
    Colorado College - BA
    University of Colorado Denver - MA
  • Photo of Brian Gilloran

    Brian Gilloran 

    Assistant Head of School / Coach, Boys' Varsity Soccer
    (802) 869-6252
    St. Lawrence University - BA
  • Photo of Greg Martin

    Greg Martin 

    Dean of Faculty / Humanities Faculty
    Drexel University - PhD
    Western Connecticut State University - MA
    Wheaton College - BA
  • Photo of Maryann McArdle

    Maryann McArdle 

    Director of College Counseling
    (802) 869-6235
    Vermont College of Norwich University - BA
  • Photo of Lorna Schilling

    Lorna Schilling 

    Academic Dean
    (802) 869-6649
    Tufts University - BA
  • Photo of Butch Schuck '94

    Butch Schuck '94 

    CFO / COO
    (802) 869-6218
    Keene State College - BA
    University of New Hampshire - MBA
  • Photo of Dave Rodgers

    Dave Rodgers 

    Director of Technology
    Syracuse University - BS
Vermont Academy is a coed college preparatory boarding and day school in southern Vermont, serving grades 9-12 plus a postgraduate year.