
Convocation 2024: Ushering in a New Academic Year at Vermont Academy

As summer activities start to wrap up, a chill enters the air, and September arrives, we know that a new academic year is on the horizon. At Vermont Academy, the Convocation ceremony follows a bustling weekend of registration and orientation activities and directly precedes the start of classes. It is a gathering of the entire school community, where Wildcats sit together in their advisory groups and prepare to step back into the role of student.
Held in the Nita Choukas Theater in Horowitz Performing Arts Hall, this year’s Convocation formally began by Dean of Residential Life and Belonging Eddie Carson giving an invocation. Eddie asked everyone to reflect on one of Vermont Academy’s four pillars: community. In discussing this pillar, Eddie referenced American minister and activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s notion of “radical love.” He explained that this is, “a love that allows empathy, particularly when it requires each community member’s care for those who are different racially.” He noted that creating a community means to acknowledge the beauty of human differences and encouraged all to use their own voices to promote community without drowning out the silence of others. 

Following the invocation, Head of School Dr. Jennifer L. Zaccara presented her Convocation address. Dr. Zaccara drew on the ideas of philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah to reflect on the importance of honor, self-respect, and ethical behavior within a community. She recognized that “what distinguishes honor from mere concern for reputation is precisely that self-respect (tied to principled codes) always matters as much as the respect of others.” Dr. Zaccara went further by connecting that statement to Vermont Academy’s Honor Code, a code which students are encouraged to uphold as part of their commitment to higher ideals and moral growth.

She went on to use examples from the Vermont Academy community to illustrate how students have embodied these values through acts of kindness, integrity, and moral courage. The address concluded by urging students to reflect on their moral selves, honor their commitments, and contribute to a healthy, productive community through blending individual identity with collective responsibility.

Before Dr. Zaccara stepped down from the podium, she called Vermont Academy Student Association (VASA) co-presidents Ruby Besson ’25 and Cole Robinson ’25 and VASA treasurer Darlene Tashobya ’25 to address the audience. These Class of 2025 leaders began by introducing themselves and described their roles within the community. Darlene explained that they, “believe in the power of integrity and adaptability and are hoping to inspire the rest of VA to remain in constant pursuit of them both, fostering a community of diligence and hard work.” Ruby ’25 brought up the new renovated spaces on campus and reminded her fellow Wildcats to treat the spaces with respect. Touching upon an important role of VASA leaders, Cole ’25 highlighted that they plan on holding more fundraising events to support the student life experience here, and encouraged students and faculty to come to VASA with any ideas.

The Class of 2025 VASA leaders took their seats, and the acknowledgment of students who earned High Honors and the Anna Mae D. Fenney Medal for the prior school year was made. (The complete list of recipients follows this story.)

One additional award, The Class of 1892 Award was presented. The Class of 1892 Award is awarded to the returning senior who earned the highest GPA during their junior year. This year, the award went to Luis Yunta Bernabeu ’25. 

After the presentation of this award, Dean of Student Life and Director of International Programs Adrian Diaz ’14 introduced the next part of the event, the signing of the Honor Code. Before he called new Wildcats to the stage, he read the Core Belief that is the foundation of VA’s Honor Code. This Core Belief states that, “each member of the Vermont Academy community acts with the highest level of honesty and integrity.” He informed the community that by signing the honor code book, students and faculty are agreeing to the statement that, “As a member of the Vermont Academy community, I commit my honesty, trust, respect, and responsibility to uphold the core beliefs of this institution.” 

As the last group to sign the honor code book, the new faculty members at VA, took their seats, members of the Vermont Academy Vocal Ensemble Suki Lambert ’25, Caitlin Masure ’25, and Casey Rhodes ’27 took their spots on the stage to lead the entire VA community in singing The Vermont Academy Evening Song. After the final notes were sung and the applause subsided, students were dismissed to go to their first academic class of the year. Here is to a wonderful year ahead!


High Honors are awarded to students with a GPA of 3.67 or above.

High Honors for the Class of 2027:

Henry Adelson ’27
Richard “Birch” Berkfield ’27
Maya Carbone ’27
Yundi Chen ’27
Talia Engel ’27
Hale Hurwitz ’27
Rebecca Sadlon ’27
Callie Spaulding ’27
Maddy Spires ’27
Elizabeth Thompson ’27
Alvaro Vega Martin ’27
Aspen Whidden ’27

High Honors for the Class of 2026:

Arjan Ahuja ’26
Sameera Azam-Nooristani ’26
Aloycia Deogratias ’26
Asper Donath ’26
Aidan Garvey ’26
Hannah Holton ’26
Yutong Liu ’26
Maggie Looby ’26
Oliver Norkun ’26
Hannah Nuwagaba ’26
Alex Reed ’26
Cam Swain ’26

High Honors for the Class of 2025:

Aubrie Adair ’25
Iris Adamoli-Puchalik ’25
Juliette Berlanger ’25
Andy Darcy ’25
Mauro De La Cruz Oria ’25
Zach Drouin ’25
Taylor Edwards ’25
Yuliang “Raymond” Feng ’25
Allie Guyer ’25
Ana Hernandez-Merkle ’25
Maur Ladzinski ’25
Suzanna Lambert ’25
Makena Level ’25
Rhema Nabasa ’25
Leo Plansky ’25
Tristen Richard ’25
Lola Rothschild ’25
Maya Sbardellati ’25
Alonso Serrano Martin ’25
Antisha Ssuana ’25
Kailin Sullivan ’25
Carly Tendler ’25
Skye Twining ’25
Luis Yunta Bernabeu ’25

The Anna Mae D. Fenney Medals are given annually to those students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.67 and have achieved High Honors for each trimester during the academic year. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the recipients are as follows.

Class of 2027 Anna Mae D. Fenney Medal recipients:

Richard Berkfield ’27
Maya Carbone ’27
Talia Engel ’27
Hale Hurwitz ’27
Callie Spaulding ’27
Maddy Spires ’27
Elizabeth Thompson ’27
Alvaro Vega Martin ’27
Aspen Whidden ’27

Class of 2026 Anna Mae D. Fenney Medal recipients:

Arjan Ahuja ’26
Aloycia Deogratias ’26
Asper Donath ’26
Oliver Norkun ’26
Hannah Nuwagaba ’26

Class of 2025 Anna Mae D. Fenney Medal recipients:

Aubrie Adair ’25
Iris Adamoli-Puchalik ’25
Andy Darcy ’25
Yuliang Feng ’25
Allie Guyer ’25
Ana Hernadez-Merkle ’25
Maur Ladzinski ’25
Leo Plansky ’25
Maya Sbardellati ’25
Antisha Ssuna ’25
Kailin Sullivan ’25
Luis Yunta Bernabeu ’25
Vermont Academy is a coed college preparatory boarding and day school in southern Vermont, serving grades 9-12 plus a postgraduate year.