Call for Alumni Council Nominations | Submit by February 24
The Vermont Academy Alumni Association (VAAA) is accepting nominations for four open Alumni Council seats. Council members are alumni volunteers who make up the governing body of the Association. Those interested should submit the online nomination form by Monday, February 24, 2025, at 8 a.m. (ET).
The responsibilities of Council members include:
Regularly attend and contribute to meetings: one (1) or two (2) VAAA meetings per year, 4 Alumni Council meetings per year, and committee meetings as needed. (Most meetings are held virtually.)
Plan, market, implement, and review programs and activities consistent with the Academy’s vision and mission.
Support Academy activities and programs through personal attendance, volunteer efforts, and promotion to Association members.
Identify and nominate potential volunteers and award recipients.
Actively advocate for the Academy with friends, acquaintances, prospective students, and fellow Association members.
Support Vermont Academy with an annual gift and encourage Association members to do the same.
In total, members of the Council spend approximately 1 to 3 hours a month volunteering for Vermont Academy. A term of service for a Councilor is three years, with the opportunity to renew for an additional three-year term. All alumni (excluding current VA employees) are eligible to serve on the Alumni Council.
If you do not currently receive emails from Vermont Academy, please be sure to share your updated email address with us at to ensure you receive the ballot in mid-March.